
National Yunlin University of Science & Technology


本校成立於1991年,為技職教育之高等學府,在歷任校長及現任校長 楊能舒博士的領導下,歷經27年成長發展,現有工程、管理、設計、 人文與科學4個學院,20個系(19系+1個學位學程)、26個研究所碩士 班(25所+1個碩士學位學程)及12個研究所博士班。 學生人數近1萬 人,大學部學生約佔67%,研究生約佔33%,專任教師335位,其中 助理教授以上專任教師達98%以上,博士學位教師達89%,教師逾五 成或歐、美、日名校博士學位,具實務經驗之教師人數亦有91%以 上,師資陣容堅強,教學設備充實,學風鼎盛,創意一流,是一所績 效卓越之典範科技大學

ABOUT National Yunlin University of Science & Technology

National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech) was established in 1991 and has since become a model technological university in Taiwan, thanks to the leadership of its former presidents and current president, Dr. Neng-Shu, Yang. YunTech has four colleges: Engineering, Management, Design, and Humanities and Applied Sciences, which offer a total of 20 undergraduate, 26 master's, and 12 doctoral programs. With a student body of approximately 10,000, YunTech is renowned for its exceptional teaching facilities, distinguished faculty, and unwavering dedication to fostering innovation and creativity.


資訊工程系正式成立於民國98年8月1日,其前身為83學年度設立於電子工程系的「電子與資訊工程研究所」。 有鑑於國家及業界對高科技資訊人才之需求,資訊工程系於92學年度由電子與資訊工程研究所中獨立出來,並更名為「資訊工程研究所」,民國94年成立四年制大學部「電腦與通訊工程系」,民國98年正名為「資訊工程系」。

ABOUT Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) was established on August 1, 2009, previously part of the Institute of Electronic and Information Engineering in the Department of Electronic Engineering since 1994. In 2003, due to the demand for highly skilled professionals in technology and information engineering, the CSIE department was separated from the institute which was then renamed as the Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering. In 2005, the department established a four-year undergraduate program in Computer and Communication Engineering, and it was later renamed as the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering in 2009.
